Pro-Tips On Managing Seasonal Maintenance Around Your Home’s Exterior

Canada is a country of wildly differing seasons and climates, and that means Canadian residents need to be extra-diligent when it comes to property maintenance. Every season has a unique set of challenges to deal with, and knowing how best to move forward and schedule appropriate maintenance is key to cutting down on a massive load of work. Spreading out maintenance over a lite regular schedule can help take the burden off, and keep your house looking spectacular all year ‘round. Here’s a few tips to consider.


When winter comes, most Canadians retreat inside, only to come out with a pair of skis on their feet, or ride out of the garage on a snowmobile. It’s important to consider upkeep of your home, as well. When sunny days spring up, take advantage and head outdoors to tackle a few things around the exterior of the house, and you’ll help cut down on a lot of unwanted issues down the road. 

Cleaning out your eavestroughs during the winter is just as important as it is during any other season, and it’s a good idea to stay on top of it. Clogged eavestroughs can create ice dams which can cause them to crack, or separate away from the house, and this can be problematic for the overall health of your house. Dealing with clogged eavestroughs in the winter can be taxing, as the buildup of materials can freeze. At Toronto Winter Cleaners, we know the value of keeping eavestroughs clean, and we can assist with this kind of maintenance during the winter months.


Springtime represents the most rejuvenating season of the entire year, and it can put people in such a great mood that they may forget to do a little maintenance around the house! Think of spring as an excuse to get out there and assess your property to see if anything nefarious occurred during the cold winter months. 

Gutters and eavestroughs deserve your attention, as buildup of dirt, debris and granules could represent problems moving forward. Springtime is also quite a messy season, with dirt, sand and other materials accumulating around the property as the snow melts. Prepare for the warm weather by pressure washing your driveway and garage to get rid of dirt and other materials.  Remember that Toronto Window Cleaners is happy to come onto your property and assist with all of these property maintenance jobs, including eavestrough repair. Also, it goes without saying that springtime is the right time to clean those dirty windows, so make sure to give us a call!


Summer tends to be rather balmy and moderate, with only a few extremes such as thunderstorms to consider. As such, it’s an opportunity to invest in a little TLC around the exterior of your home to make it look better. Summer is a fantastic time to keep your windows clean as well, especially if they’ve accumulated dirt, streaks and other stains during the course of the previous few months. 

Otherwise, think of summer as a time to give parts of your house a fresh new coat of paint, do a little lawn or gardening work, and perform generally lite maintenance to keep it looking beautiful, straight through to the fall season. Speaking of which…


This love-it-or-hate-it season is well known to most Canadians as the time of year when the temperatures get a little cooler, and things get a lot messier! In preparation for the winter to come, it’s a good time to hire a window cleaning company such as Toronto Window Cleaners to come out and assess your property. We’ll give your windows a good cleanup, while checking for things like cracked caulking that may allow cold air to creep in over the winter months and contribute to a higher heating bill. 

It also goes without saying that fall is a much “leafier” time of the year, and that’s bound to build up around your property, particularly your eavestroughs. Thankfully, we’re experts when it comes to cleaning them out and preventing any buildup of debris and dirt. Speaking of leaves, don’t forget to bust out that rake and start creating some piles for the kids, and the family dog to play in before you fill up those compost bags! 

Diverse seasons provide every reason to make sure your property is kept clean, and each season allows for a particular set of tasks to keep things looking great! This can greatly cut down on the risk of damage around the house, as well. We hope you take these tips to heart, and as always, if you have any questions about how Toronto Window Cleaners can make those jobs a little easier, give us a call!  We promise to treat your house with the same care and attention as our own!