It’s that time of year when Canadians prepare for the onslaught of the winter season, and homes are never spared! One of the most oft-overlooked items on the winter checklist are windows, which require preparation in order to avoid any potential issues or complications. 

Toronto Window Cleaners understands the effect that the winter season can have on windows, which is why we’ve drafted up this refresher course to help you prepare accordingly. Many of our tips can actually save you money, so we definitely encourage you to read along. You may even learn a few tricks you hadn’t previously thought of! 



Heating bills can get expensive during the winter season, so there’s no point exacerbating the problem. Before the snow has a chance to fall, it’s good practice to winterize your windows by inspecting them for drafts and possible leaks. You can do this by checking for any visible gaps or cracks around the window frames that may have opened up over time.

If you happen to feel any sort of draft, no matter how light, you’ve identified a prime area for heat loss. Caulking and weatherstripping are two surefire ways to seal them up, and prevent cold air from infiltrating the house and jacking up your electrical bill. Make absolutely sure to use a high-quality caulk designed for exterior work to seal gaps and cracks in and around your window frames. This will guarantee proper application.



Another handy tip to prepare for the winter season is to apply weatherstripping to the moving parts of your windows, including the sash and frame. This simple and easy solution creates a seal when the window is closed, preventing drafts from sneaking in. Weatherstripping comes in many different thicknesses, so be sure to identify the one that best suits your windows. Most modern weatherstripping comes with 3M double-sided tape for easy application. Simply cut and apply for best effect.



Before the winter season arrives, take a moment to determine if your windows are old, or in poor condition. This might be the year you decide to upgrade to energy-efficient windows such as double or triple-glazed, with low-emissivity coatings. These windows can significantly improve your home’s insulation, while also cutting down on heat loss, and keeping your energy bills in check. Even if your windows are still in relatively good condition, it may be worth the initial investment to upgrade, and save in the long run. The choice, of course, is yours.



Storm windows are often an afterthought for most people, but they can be very handy during the winter months. At their core, storm windows offer an additional layer of protection that can help improve insulation when the cold weather finally arrives. They can be installed on either the exterior or interior of your existing windows, creating a dead air space which acts as an extra layer of insulation. Once installed, it quickly becomes apparent just how advantageous storm windows can be, so consider adding them on to keep the chill out of the house.



If storm windows are too ambitious for you, there are other cost-effective ways to improve insulation, and reduce heat loss through your windows. You can always try window films, such as heat-shrink plastic films and low-E films, which can be applied directly to the glass. This helps create an extra barrier that improves overall insulation in exchange for very little effort.



Before winter arrives, it’s always best to make sure your windows are cleaned thoroughly. This allows more sunlight to enter your home during the day, which can help warm up the house without the need for an artificial heat source. Additionally, clean windows are less likely to develop condensation, which can otherwise lead to mold and mildew issues. In short, clean windows cut down on the electrical bill, as well as other problems you really don’t want to deal with when things get chilly outside. 



Adding a set of heavy curtains or insulated blinds to your windows can help trap warm air inside your home, while preventing cold air from getting in. This is great news if you’re considering sprucing up your home with some beautiful décor, allowing you to effectively solve two problems at once. During the day, you can keep the curtains or blinds open to allow natural sunlight to pour through and heat up your home. When night falls, you can close the curtains to create an extra layer of insulation, creating the exact same effect. 



If you have trees or shrubs close to your windows, consider having them trimmed in order to keep their leaves and branches from causing damage to your windows. For instance, branches laden with snow or ice can snap or topple over, possibly striking your windows. Furthermore, untrimmed trees and shrubs can cause unnecessary material deposits inside your eavestroughs, which can cause blockages that will lead to improper water flow, and possible damage to your roofing, siding and home foundation. 



If you’re unsure about the condition of your windows or need expert advice, consider scheduling a professional window inspection and cleaning service. Toronto Window Cleaners can identify any issues you might have missed, and provide recommendations for keeping your windows in top shape, the whole year ‘round.

We understand the need to keep windows and eavestroughs clean and tidy, especially before the winter season hits. We’ll come to your location, assess your property, and give you an accurate quote and recommended schedule that will put your mind at ease, and give you one less thing to worry about during winter. That’s our promise! Contact us today for more information.